Dementia: Part of the Aging Process or Not?

elderly woman pointing on a calendar

This has happened to a lot of us. We go into a room and completely forget why we went there in the first place. “Where did I put my car keys?” said a lot of older adults as they leave the house for work every morning. Does this come when approaching the senior years? In most cases, these occurrences are actually normal. No, forgetting things doesn’t immediately mean you have dementia. As a provider of home care services in Ontario, Canada, we would like to discuss the difference between these two things, so you can be well guided in making future decisions about home care.

  • Aging Normally: What Does that Mean?

    Our ideas about aging are usually different. It’s also something that changes from time to time. Experts are on the cusp of finding a definitive meaning to the term healthy aging. It’s no longer accurate to define the normal aging process as one that entails dementia and other chronic memory loss conditions. Aging normally means you’re aging in a healthy way. In order to take the necessary steps to age healthily, one has to: keep his body active and mind engaged; maintain a good social life; follow the ideal exercise program, and adopt a healthy and well-balanced diet. It would also help if you enlisted professionals who provide Personal Care Services.

  • Why Do People Have Memory Problems?

    One having memory issues doesn’t automatically mean that a person has dementia. It could be because of a host of other reasons, most of which are really nothing to worry about as they are reversible. Undergoing a physical exam would also help rule out dementia.

    If you happen to be experiencing memory problems, consider the following to be among the possible causes:

    • Medications.

      It’s not uncommon for medications to negatively affect a person’s memory and ability to remember.

    • Sleep issues.

      Serious sleep problems like chronic insomnia can lead to memory impairment as well.

    • Deficiency in vitamins.

      Deficiency in vitamin B12, which is common in most people, can also result in frequent memory lapses.

    • Thyroid Levels.

      Are your thyroid levels low or high? Memory problems can also signal thyroid issues.

Addressing Dementia

Healthy aging means you are not experiencing symptoms of dementia. So what is dementia? Dementia is the general term used to address mental health decline. It’s characterized by a set of symptoms that include issues with remembering, reasoning, thinking, and memory. They also disrupt a person’s daily life by interfering with their functioning. There are various forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. There are tests that can determine whether a person is suffering from any type of dementia. For seniors who face dementia, a little help can go a long way. If you have a family member who is struggling with dementia, it might be time to consider getting help from providers of Homecare in Canada.

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